Video – Spring Garden 2010. Welcome.
Happy belated Earth Day. Here’s an invitation to our garden in Spring. Welcome to our green sanctuary.
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Really enjoyed the movie. Great editing. Oh, and music choice was perfect. Reminds me of the tv show “Friday Night Lights”. Fitting…
It’s so amazing how quickly that lush garden of yours grows. Just watching the video made me feel *************************this much******************************more relaxed. Your home is such an oasis. What a pleasure to be there, if only via video!
So beautiful.
So inspiring. I just bought baby meyer lemon and key lime plants. They are teeny tiny now but I’m hoping that in the next few years they flower and fruit.
I am so jealous of your garden! And your pups are precious!
Your garden is incredible. I think I could fit my entire backyard under a few of your flowering arches. 🙂 We are slowly trying to squeeze in as many edible plants as we can wherever there is space. Our latest edition is a tiny orange tree – barely as tall as my 4 year-old girls, but we’re hoping it will grow big and strong! Thanks for sharing your yard with us. It’s been a source of inspiration for me.
Hi Dianne and Todd~
What a treat to get to visit your garden and play with Dante and Sierra! Thank you so much for sharing. Having been fortunate enough to see the sanctuary in person (and romp with the dogs!), the video really feels like being there. All that was missing was a full tummy and some hugs all around.
Sending lots of love to all of you and your sanctuary, xoxo.
Absolutely beautiful you two!!! What a fun and peaceful place. I’d say your pups approve too!
I so loved this! It looks like you’ve created a beautiful sanctuary for you and your dogs. We’re working to create a similar place of peace on our townhome’s little back patio. Wish us luck!
sarah- Fern has a great garden blog for patio gardeners! check out her site:
Love this video and adore your pups! They are gorgeous!
Do you all need a roommate? 🙂 What a lovely life you lead. Beautiful video.
Paradise! Your dogs are gorgeous, too.