Thank you for your interest in purchasing licensing rights or stock photography to our copyrighted images. Our content cannot be used without permission. All rights reserved.
All images, recipes and content are copyright of Todd Porter, Diane Cu and Evolution Multimedia, Inc…
To inquire about licensing rates for advertising, commercial, editorial, published print works or general online distribution , please contact us at TD (at)
Please do not publish any of our images, recipes or content without prior permission and approval. Contact at TD (at) If you would like to feature our work on your site:
- just write about it in your own words
- Re-write the recipe in your own words in the way that you made it or simply link back to our original post for readers to access the recipe. Please do not re-print the recipe, cut-and-pasted word-for-word, along with our photograph.
- and always provide credit and attribution by linking back to our site or post.
Thank you so much!