Returning to our garden is always a treat after a long time away from home. Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

At the end of a long work day or time away from home, returning to our garden is always comforting. We miss this place, our little sanctuary. It’s been over 15 years of blood, sweat, tears, achy backs and sore knees that brings us to this point in the garden. It’s pretty settled in now and this year has been especially amazing because of all the wonderful rain we had. After about 6 years of drought and watering very sparingly, the garden has flourished thanks to a super wet Winter. Everyone always asks what we’re doing on the weekend if we’re back in town and we always say, we’re going to hiding in our garden. So many of you have asked about our garden and we figured we’d take some photos for you to see why we love returning to our happy place. And we’ll follow up with another garden update with all our heirloom tomato photos. Are you ready for some crazy tomato pics? Hope so, we’re obsessed.

Have a great week everyone. -diane and toddTodd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice below: a few of our potted succulent plants.

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice

Todd and Diane's Garden on @whiteonrice