Michael Ruhlman Had Something to Say: The Dance
Michael had something to say again. Previously he shared personal thoughts about cooking and how to not be an asshole, then followed up with a second, eloquent insight on Chef Thomas Keller.
It’s hard not to be fascinated by Ruhlman’s ideas. Whether or not someone shares his views, his thoughts are provoking. We find ourselves drawn into his pensive mind and want to know more. That is why we teamed up with him to do this video series.
Make sure you head over to Michael’s post to read his extended thoughts on the subject of passion and the dance in the kitchen. It’s hard to say whether the man speaks best or writes best, we love both articulations of his intruiging mind.
It was and always is a pleasure to work with Michael and hope you enjoy watching this series as much as we enjoyed producing it.
Here is the third video – The Dance:
Previous Michael Ruhlman Had Something to Say Videos:
- Our “Cooking” and “About Thomas Keller”
- Michael’s Post on “Cooking” and “About Thomas Keller” Videos
What Ruhlman expresses here is something I’ve felt strongly about for a long time but have never been able to put into words. Bravo to him for saying it and bravo to you for having captured it so beautifully.
i love these videos and thanks so much for putting them together… I will put them up in the Master’s class at FIU… we need out students to gain more perspective about the business! Are you planning to come to the South Beach Wine and Food Festival? if you are please let me know… have a nice one!
Every time I’m at a mall I keep wondering are these people the walking dead? Aren’t they aware of others around them. This awareness is lacking greatly in our society. It would definitely be a different world if everyone were just a little more aware.
these are brilliant – you two are brilliant!!!
When people ask me if I “miss” being a professional chef, I usually answer with a cautious and qualified “no.” There are some things I miss and the “dance” is one of them. There’s nothing like the rush that comes with a busy night and everyone working seamlessly together. That awareness is heard to learn and even harder to teach. But once you get it, it makes your life, and everyone’s around you so much easier. Even for the solo home cook, awareness is critical and makes the preparation and production of meals a joy instead of a chore.
S M I L E …. another great post from a great blog. Salut!!
What is the music in the background? It’s perfect for the video.
Ted- the song is The Vitamin String Quartets interpretation of Snow (Hey oh) from Red Hot Chili Peppers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7urbYARtTQc
I totally agree on enjoying the dance in kitchens. Movement of bodies and cooking that appears choreographed. Awareness is key. So is communication. The words “behind”, “corner” and such help orchestrate the flow and the chatter of a kitchen is just as telling as the movements.