Favorite Tools: Love of Ceramic Cookware
Ceramic Cookware
We never thought we’d be writing a post about ceramic pans. Honestly, we’ve always told everyone that if we had one pan to have in our kitchen it would be a cast iron skillet. There’s something so incredibly useful and fantastic about cooking in cast iron. The crust, the char, the quick pop in a hot oven for frittatas and roasts is un-deniably versatile and the food comes out delicious. Sure, it takes a little more finesse to clean and maintain, but a great cast iron can last forever in the family. And best of all, cast iron skillets are affordable. Heavy on the kitchen shelves, but light on the pocket book.
Then one day our cooking lives were changed. Here’s our ceramic pan story.
Once upon a time, in June to be exact, we were roaming through Tar-jay and saw a huge selection of these ceramic pans in all different sizes, colors and brands. We’ve always read about how fantastic ceramic pans were and how they were so easy to clean. But we were always cautious about any film or “non-stick” type material that might peel off. Upon a quick google search on the Green Pan brand in the Tar-jay cookware aisle, we read a couple posts on how they were actually quite safe and non-toxic, lead free, and loved by many.
Was there really another option to cooking with our beloved cast iron skillet?
To be open minded, we bought a 8″ omlette pan and a 10″ GreenPan fry pan. We took it home and for breakfast, made scrambled eggs on the 6″pan.
We were surprised. Shocked is more like it because the eggs came out so fluffy and moist without hardly any olive oil or butter.
What? We actually made fluffy scrambled eggs that didn’t stick to the pan and only used a light spray of olive oil? Yes and the taste was amazing.
Next dish up for cooking was a frittata in the 10″ GreenPan fry pan with the oven safe handle. Could this thing hold up to oven temperature? Yup, that’s what the instructions said. Up to 500F degrees was what these GreenPan ceramic pans claimed. And they were right. Not only did the frittata come out wonderfully moist and tender, it didn’t stick to the pan.
Fluffy and moist frittata for breakfast three times a week
If our eggs turned out moist and plump in very little cooking oil, then we were thrilled. So we wen’t back to Tar-jay and bought the whole set for home.
Since then we’ve made so many dishes including quick stir fried veggies. Our veggies always come out tender, with a wonderful crust and best of all, we used half the amount of olive oil that we normally do. That was a winning factor right there: using way less oil than we ever have.
Everything tasted equally fresh, flavorful and moist in half the oil/fat. We were cooking healthy without even trying hard.
After a few more meals cooked on these ceramic pans, we bought another set for the studio along with 3 additional fry pans! This is addiction is nuts.
Our favorite dish to cook in these ceramic pans are filets of tender fish. Not only are we able to cook fish that’s moist and tender, but again, we’re using half the amount of oil and the fish doesn’t freaking stick to the pan at all. After cooking fish on these pans, we’re hooked beyond belief.
Salmon with a nice crust and tender inside, cooked in a square 11″ GreenPan grill pan.
These ceramic pans are our latest cooking obsession because they’re easy to clean, the food cooks evenly, we can cook with less oil and they’re non-toxic. So it’s a win-win in both our kitchens. And we’re eyeing a few more pieces, like this ceramic wok. It’s heading our way soon.
We’ve only purchased the GreenPan brand, but are wanting to get some other brands to try them out as well.
Are any of you hooked on ceramic pans? If so, what brand are you using? We’d love to head out and buy more. Not that we need any more ceramic pans, but we’re curious cats and don’t want to miss out on any better options.
We haven’t made pancakes on these pans yet, but that’s next on our list to eat!
diane and todd
Nope, this is not a sponsored post nor is it a sponsored review. We purchased all 19 pans ourselves (addicted, right?) nor do we have any affiliation with this brand. We just want to share products we enjoy. Thank you.
Here are some links and review on ceramic cookware: Wellness Mama , Ceramic Reviews
Ceramic pans are a great alternative for traditional nonstick pans, however, I’ve heard that a lot of people face issues when it comes to its maintenance as they are a bit hard to maintain.
I have a question about green pans and cooking oil. I bought a green pan. The instructions say to use oil or butter suited for frying (which I assumed meant clarified butter). The instructions also say, “Don’t use extra virgin olive oil or oil sprays as they cannot withstand high heat.”. As virtually all of the olive oil sold near me is extra virgin;
I called the company, The Cookware Company (USA), LLC for clarification. The representative I spoke with didn’t understand cooking fat smoke points. She told me that it’s fine to use regular (not clarified) butter, but that extra virgin olive oil has too low of a smoke point so it would create a non-nonstick coating on the pan. She got flustered when I stated that extra virgin olive oil has a higher smoke point than butter.
Do you use extra virgin olive oil in your green pans?
I also use ceramic cookware. This is very easy to handle. There are also lots of advantages of this type of cookware. Thanks for sharing such useful ideas.
Thanks for sharing great tips. I really love cooking, it is not only preparing for a meal but also help me controlling work stress. My kids like eating these kind of foods very much. Actually, I found you making it a little difference from my way. I will try it.
Have been using 2 different brands–larger from Walmart (brand?) and a smaller from Big Lots (brand?). Love them both – don’t remember if the larger can go in the oven But the smaller has a rubberized handle.
I love the green pan to cook in. However, the one I use at work ( I am a caregiver) is no longer flat on the bottom so it rocks. I have noticed this with other. Its a shame because I was thinking of purchasing one for myself. At work i cook on a glass cooktop, could that make a diff?
I have used Martha Stewart non-stick ceramic pans for years. They are cheap, require little care (in fact, I often use metal utensils) and work really well. My other lands are All-Clad. Just love them. I really wish some manufacturer would make a larger wok, not just the little ones that aren’t big enough for many Chinese dishes.
I bought my first pans last week and LOVE them. I’m searching for more. I made some chicken last night and it got a little crispy in there but the clean-up was easy.
My experience with ceramic pans is that they are great to start but do not maintain their non-stick properties very well. Following the recommended care for the products they still get sticky after 6-8 months. A good fry pan is too expensive to have to replace every few months. I never use Telfon above medium on the stove so I have no concerns about using these pans.
Was looking for completely non-toxic cookware and after contacting Green Pan, we bought a whole set. We LOVE it and especially fact that it is completely NON TOXIC unlike teflon and easier to clean unlike stainless steel or cast iron. It is amazing and holding out WONDERFUL…best kitchen investment for us. Bought our set at Costco at huge discount…then went back and bought wok. And we did this even after trying to research comments on it and finding very few endorsements. Well, we endorse it and got rid of all our other nonstick and teflon, even aluminum Cephalon pans (which cost soooo much more). Aluminum contributes to Alhizemers and dementias so out with even the hard anodized Celphalon as it does eventually leach and is hard to maintain. We got out with aluminum in deodorants as well as most all put it in so it is absorbed in body directly! Even out with aluminum baking pans! Good to hear someone else discovered the health benefits of Green pan (the only ceramic pan we have bought).
Just FYI, I THINK … if you read “the literature” on aluminum cookware, the scientific community says that’s there’s no link whatsoever between Alzheimer’s and aluminum cookware. That’s what I take away from my reading. I was concerned, too, as I’m sure you are. But I don’t think there’s any link between the two–just FYI.
Great review! I will be adding at least one of these pans based on your findings.