We’re throwing in the towel and surrendering to the pressures of showing our smiles, faces, mugs.

It’s was fun while it lasted, hiding our faces behind the lens of our camera and only showing what distorted images we were able to achieve through our computer software. Obviously, our ultra radical “x-ray” , funky “twirl” images and speed racing grocery trip weren’t enough to satisfy some you nosy, facade hungry bloggers out there. 😀

Anthony Bourdain, one of the few food personalities that we adore and respect, had an FAN-atic casting call for his No Reservations show. Viewers sent in an audition video encouraging Tony where they would like for him to visit. The winner will be his traveling companion for that No Reservations episode. How fun!!

Bummer, we missed the deadline!! We weren’t able to edit our 3 minute submission in time and we blame it all on work, work, work. But we’re submitting our video anyway since we had all the recorded footage of Little Saigon in Orange County, California. We really want Anthony Bourdain to come down to our neck of the woods for some awesome Vietnamese food and fun.

This video had to follow the format of their Submission Guidelines:

  • Only a 3 minute video – This was a tough one because there was so much that we wanted to show to entice Tony to visit Little Saigon. We really had to edit this clip lean and mean. So there was no time to mess around ! (Well, not too much!)
  • No music allowed- What?! We’re all about the music Tony! How are we gonna give the rhythm and feel of the dynamic culture and foods of Little Saigon with out some pumpin’ Viet music? Well, we did our best.

So we’re making the jump from faceless White On Rice Couple to full on frontage, baby! We’re going all out and exposing not just our faces, but everything from our slurping and speaking silliness to an attempt at seriously sharing our love of Little Saigon, Orange County, California.

Ya never know! Maybe we can tempt Anthony Bourdain enough to still allow us to be his traveling companion for a Little Saigon episode. Keep your fingers crossed for us and wish us luck! 🙂

Todd & Diane’s FAN-atic Video

“No Reservations” Casting Call video by White On Rice Couple from White On Rice Couple on Vimeo.

Viewing Suggestions – These videos can take a while to load. If it loads SLOW for you, we suggest that you first press PLAY, then immediately press PAUSE. Don’t watch it just yet and let the whole video load till completion (about 5-10 minutes depending on your service). Then return to watch it, so that your viewing experience is continuous and pleasurable. Enjoy!

Another fellow blogger made an awesome call out to Anthony Bourdain to visit the Philippines. He certainly deserves the opportunity to be Anthony’s guide to the awesome world of Philippino food and culture. Good luck Marvin!!

Check out Marvin’s Video at Burnt Lumpia

View all our VIDEOS Here Cooking & Exploring !