New blog look, New projects, Same Us
Wow, how fast have things changed since we started blogging over a year and a half ago. When we stumbled onto blogging, we never expected to find so much companionship, support, opportunities and inspiration from all of you. Every day is a new learning experience and each passing day is not only a lesson in blogging, but friendship, patience, caution and education in every facet imaginable.
Thank you to for being such an integral part of our blogging world and teaching us how to become better people.
So now that we’ve launched a new snappy look for the site, we suppose it is about time to take this blogging seriously. But weren’t we serious about blogging before? Sure, we were. However there was something missing. We always felt like there was a lost link to our blog. So how are things going to be different? It’s not just going to be about the food, the garden, the recipes nor the trips. This blog is going to be about all of you.
It’s unbelievable to think about all of the amazing people we’ve been able to meet over the last year and a half. Bloggers, Chefs, Farmers, Artisans, Journalists, Poets, Moms, Dads, Sons, Daughters, Gardeners…basically, incredible people have made tremendous impacts to our blog lives. They are the ones that helped us connect the human experience through food and culture.
We NEED to share more about the people that directly impact how we grow, cook, eat, photograph and think. Here are some new projects we’re working on:
- Portrait of a Gourmand – A gourmand is simply, someone who takes pleasure in food and eating. We’re lucky enough to meet gourmands everyday and some are just too nice and some seem too good to be true. We love them and hope that you would too. So we’re going to be doing a series of food blogger, cook , farmer and food personality photo essays and interviews. Accompanying each interview will be some fun and artistic portraits of them in real person and in character. What do we mean by that? Oh, you’ll just have to wait and see. To give you a little hint. we’ve been discussing it over Twitter and other fellow bloggers have given us suggestions on our blogger photo shoot ideas. Here’s an example from “@haleysuzanne Ha! Food porn gets re-envisioned. Somebody needs to be a pinup with a coupla melons and a lettuce leaf.” Oh yes, what a fabulous idea! Who will that blogger be?
- The Hungry Travelers – We’re producing our own internet “webisodes” called The Hungry Travelers: Searching for Food from the Source, which will launch sometime in July. Every day we meet amazing local home cooks, farmers, ranchers, professional cooks, and food artisans who inspire us on every level of the food chain. The Hungry Travelers internet show’s purpose will be about Real People & Real Food and highlights the culture of food. These amazing individuals bring us (Todd and Diane) our food, teach us about food and help us make wiser, more conscious decisions about eating and cooking. The show isn’t about White On Rice Couple, but rather, it’s about all these other wonderful people and their messages, connecting their experiences to their foods. This documentary style show will focus on their voices, visions, challenges and triumphs. We’re just there to guide it along smoothly.
There they are, our new projects that will hopefully show how much we are inspired and who they are that are molding us to be whom we are today. This new blog will take a few more weeks to get all the technical kinks worked out before we launch more of the new stuff, but we’re hoping you’ll still stand by with us until these happen.
Just remember that yes, although there’s a new blog look and new projects coming along, we’re still the same Todd and Diane. This blog is still, and always remain, the same Us.
(Oh, btw- our garden was highlighted in the Home & Garden section of the Orange County Register. You can read it here.)
Am I the only one who is stunned you’ve only be at it a year and a half? You guys are superstars! Here’s to great things to come (of this I have no doubt:-)
I keep waiting for you two to feature your new veggie ranch in Colorado! Your remodeled look is great. And I can still feel the good energy seeping from your writing and photographs. Yeah! Funny how I reconnected with your blog, it was beet ice cream.
Your new site is gorgeous! Congrats!
Outstanding additions and look. Still my favorite combos: food, garden, flowers, and pooches—–announced in no particular order! Great work guys!
Congratulations! The new look is fantastic…looking forward to your upcoming projects! 🙂
congratulations to my favorite cookign couple!! i’m so excited to hear about your upcoming projects!!
I’m excited for both of you and look forward to these exciting projects! Much success!
Enjoyed the article.
I read your blog all the time. Your new site is fantastic! Fresh and crisp with gorgeous photos. Looks like you have more room to spread out your wings even more.
La Buena Vida from Santa Fe, NM!
Looking forward to it!