In our garden: Todd, Diane, Cindy and Roxanne ( show producer and hosts)

Sorry, we’ve been pretty hush, hush about this little TV event. The reason being, until the taping actually happened, we weren’t certain if the idea of White On Rice Couple on TV was actually going to happen. Making a WROC video was on our own time, so we know exactly when things are going to happen and “air”, but for a bigger project like a TV show, it’s so much more work and organization, something we don’t have to control over. And what if the producers decided to change their mind and drop WORC to the side? All the pre-hype and talk would be just embarassing….maybe something like this… “Hey, we’re gonna be on TV! …ooops! …just kidding! Not any more, we’re liars!”

Besides, we were perfectly content with our 3-9 minutes of WORC video blog fame. It’s always a blast making the video’s but watching ourselves for the really long 9 minute videos is even way too much for us. But a whole 30 minutes of WORC on an actual TV screen? What if people get tired of seeing us?! Too much WORC might not be good for the soul. And an actual show? With a real host, an actual director, real production camera’s, real lights, real mic’s? Whoa!! We don’t know what to think, everything is on overload right now.

Todd reaching for freshly picked Dragon Fruit

So here’s the full scoop: There are 2 new TV shows scheduled for Time Warner Cable, our local cable channel in Southern California. The first show, “The Culinary Cocktail Hour”, is a humerus 30 minute show about the eating adventures of the “take out food” queens. It’s a cooking show where they attempt to learn and cook food outside their “fast food” repertoire. They drink cocktails to start every show and end the show with another cocktail, thus, “The Culinary Cocktail Hour”! The producers asked us to film one episode for this show, as well as another episode for a second show on their production roster, “Take a Bite Out of The OC”. This second show follows the adventures of Denise Marie, a popular Orange County, CA radio personality and her co-host, Cindy. These two ladies explore Orange County’s vast and diverse offerings in all facets: food, travel, shopping, entertainment and beauty. Hope this answers many of your questions: This is NOT our own show. We will only be featured in ONE episode! Thanks for the support though everyone!

For the second show, “Take a Bite Out of the OC”, we will be taking them on a culinary tour of Orange County’s ethnic markets, food joints and more. The idea is still in production and the producers are still planning out the details on where we will take them, but we will start shooting this in two weeks.

For the first show that we taped on Saturday, “The Culinary Cocktail Hour”, the hosts came over to our house, got a garden tour, a cooking lesson on fresh spring rolls with garden herbs/veggies, and some awesome inebriating cocktails, to stick to the theme of the show. We gathered tangerines for the Citrus Aphrodisiac cocktail and Eureka lemons for the Island Taxi cocktail. To top it off, they even got to pick a fruit that they had never seen before- dragon fruit!

It was a wonderful learning experience and a far cry from our, *cough, cough*, kinda rustic WORC video shoots. Um…can we say that our little video camera, no lights, no mic set ups are quite an embarassment to the barrage of professional equiptment that the production crew brought in? We showed the producers our little video camera and they smiled politely at our high tech equipment and moved on to the set up. They weren’t too excited about our stuff. Needless to say, our video camera went straight back into it’s little bag!

Here’s a little comparison on how we shoot our very low budget video’s vs. A More Professional shoot. We’ll let the pictures highlight our Saturday:

Our Set up: Little Panasonic camera, $25 mono-pod, helmets, messenger bag, motorcycle.

Their Set up (this is only half of what was there): “Don’t wanna ask how much these cost” type of camera’s (two of them), two smaller cameras, 3 mics, and lots of “pay for my college tuition” type of tripods.

Our Set Lighting: Lots of fresh air, day light, the sun, the sky and lightbulbs for night time shooting.

Their Set Lighting: Lots and lots of HOT, HOT umbrella lights and many more! All the windows on the house were blocked off with black fabric to eliminate any natural light to come through, that’s why the kitchen looks like it was shot at night time. The outside temperature was about 95 degrees and inside the house was way over 100 degrees! We don’t have air conditioning and we were all dripping with SWEAT during the taping.

Our Camera Man (when necessary for the motorcycle shots)- Little brother who loves a free meal, owes Diane $20 bucks and owns lots of video games.

Their Camera Man Brian, expert videographer who owns his own production company.

Now the best part, The Food!!

The Menu: The board says it all. The platter of garden goodies: Lettuce, herbs, dragon fruit, lemon cucumber, eggplant, eureka lemons & tangerines.

The Prep: Garden veggies/herbs, tofu and pork ready for the table top grill!

Mmmm……Table top grilled veggies , tofu and pork for the spring rolls.

Portable butane stoves and grill tops are the best!! Diane’s family tradition of eating fresh spring rolls.

Where’s is everyone? As soon as this half of the taping was finished , we all immediately wiped off our dripping sweat and ran outside to cool off in the 95 degree weather. Todd had to change to a different shirt in between taping to keep the his red shirt from getting too wet from the sweat!

Drinking in front of the camera!

The Cocktails: Curacao liqueur and fresh eureka lemons for the “Island Taxi”

The finished “Island Taxi” with a very tired and dried out lemon garnish. Yes, it was that hot in the kitchen!

Cocktail #2 – Damiana liqueur for the “Citrus Aphrodisiac”. Can’t you tell from the shape of the bottle on how it got it’s name?

The End ! BTW- “We need more trees!”

We were too busy and STARVING to take any pictures of the final spring rolls. So here are some links from past spring roll posts that you might like:


Pork and Pineapple

Beef Meatball

Lemongrass Tofu

When will the shows air?

Both shows are still in production with the first episodes airing sometime at the end of summer/ beginning fall. We’re not for certain that our episodes will make it to the final cut, but we sure did feed them well, gave them lots of drinks and bribed them with some free puppy play time! So maybe we won’t end up on the cutting room floor! We’ll keep everyone posted on the air dates.

Will there ever be a WORC show of our very own?Maybe, possibly, there’s been some discussion. That’s for us to know and you to find out later! 😉

But in the meantime, if you haven’t already, you can watch all our little “five minutes of fame” videos here:

View all our VIDEOS Here Cooking & Exploring !