Good Canine Eats for Camp Road Tripping
Please welcome our guest contributors, Dante and Sierra. Our food fixated Rhodesian Ridgeback and mischievous white Boxer have requested to share their thoughts. They insisted. Why not? Canine’s can be publishers too.
Mommy and Daddy are crazy sometimes, they just don’t stop. But when they blame us for our quirkiness, we know where we get it from.
We watched them load the car with sleeping bags, backpacks, beer and rosé wine, sunflower seeds and licorice, which could only mean one thing–camping road trip!! Road trips are the best because we’re not trapped in the boring backyard anymore and best of all, camping means we get to eat really, really good.
They’re extra generous with us when we eat in the great outdoors. Sometimes they’ll toss in some stale crackers or left over granola bars that were smashed on the floor of the car. It’s extra special when they throw in some of those dirty nuts in our kibble bowl. We don’t mind the extra sand at all. However, the ultimate camping treats are those left over scraps of salami.
Ooooohhh, salami, viva salumi. We love’s us some good charcuterie.
So where are we going on this camping trip? We have no idea, but the farther we hike and the longer we drive, we get cuddled with hourly snacks and great kibble fixings.
Luckily for breakfast today, Daddy found a banana that was mooshed between the ice chest and his hiking boots. The banana looked so pretty, so brown, soft, and ripe. Score! We got banana kibble for breakfast today!! Banana’s are great with kibble The bright, tropical, floral notes of the squished banana balances nicely against the dehydrated crunch of the mundane kibble. What a lovely pairing.
And Dante scored big time because he found a left-over hamburger bun at the rest stop where we slept. Lucky bastard. Frickin’ hound can smell food a mile away.
We need some food ideas to pass on to Mommy and Daddy. What special treats to you like to add to your dog’s kibble? Thanks and stay tuned for the rest of our camping excursions!
woof woof,
Sierra & Dante
Thanks for all the great comments everyone. The pups are too wiped out to reply, but they asked us to pass on their thanks. They had a great time on the trip. Dante got to lick the campfire grate and Sierra chased lots of squirrels, butterflies, and bugs.
radish – To answer your question about ridgies, in our experience they tend to be all or nothing. When engaged and in shape, they can run/hike/play with incredible stamina. However when at home they are super mellow (lazy.) Dante’s first 5 years we lived in a townhome with a tiny patio & he seemed just as happy as he is now. No problems other than usual puppy teething stuff. But nearly every dog should get daily exercise, but sometimes our lives get busy & ridgies are ok with that. It’s the food they are really after.
Thanks again for all the doggie love. And all the helpful eating tips. I’m sure many of the fellow readers have benefited from the conversations. T & D.
My dog likes apples, cukes and some other things on Gina’s list. Plus sweet pototo fries. mmmm, yamilicious!
Dogs are allergic to onions and grape skins though. Little known fact. I think I read that in National Geographic.
Haha! Wilson sends his regards to Dante and Sierra. And wouldn’t you know it? I cooked for his late sister, Mrs. O’Mally because she was a picky eater later in her life. Once she passed I keep cooking gourmet human food for Wilson and he wasn’t that impressed. One day I bought a can of Paul Newman’s canned turkey with brown rice dog food and added it to his Science Diet kibble. He was in heaven. So, he is not interested in my cooking or human food, just likes his Paul Newman mixed in. And sweet potato biscuits from Whole Foods. That’s it!
P.S. I love road trips, many years ago I took my pit bull on a road trip in my camper to Alaska for the summer, she as my co-pilot, it was awesome…
O what a funny post! Great dogs too! Can’t help them on the doggy treat part as the only thing I have are (sttt, not too loud!!) three cats!!
Geisha is so jealous b/c her mommy does not allow her to eat anything other than that dry doggy food.
Oh I LOVE this post – aren’t they just the cutest! I’ve been wanting to have a dog too, but I’m not so sure if my cat will get along with him/her… Hope you all have a wonderful time, hugs to Sierra & Dante. kx
My VERY food motivated Basset Hounds will eat almost anything. I have to put my tomatoes outside of their fence because they’ll literally strip the plants of all it’s produce. They steal cukes off the vine, strawberry patches will be picked clean, green peppers not so much but red bell peppers…gone. Veggie Bassets…who knew.
My dogs like just about anything that is human food mixed with their kibble. I think cooked pasta is their favorite.
wow, such gorgeous dogs!!! my friend’s dog loves carrots and apples so they always bring those along. And they like those greenies (veggie bones that clean their teeth and taste really good too!). Random question for you, but — do you find that you have to exercise the Rhodesian a lot? I’ve been reading about dogs and love active dogs – apparently these are perfect for runners bc they can run like 30 miles in one stretch, but if you don’t exercise them every day, they’ll eat your entire house? Or does your run outside and just play until it gets tired?
You both are a truly gorgeous couple with 2 cool canines and a great blog!
Hi you cute dogs, my name is Zoe, the corgi and I am one good eater! My mom sometimes puts cottage cheese on my kibble. Also sardines because I need my omegas. Good luck with the camping gig.